Day 36

October 8, 2018

(More) Types


Degrees of polymorphism are:

It is beneficial to keep a function as polymorphic as possible, as it saves you from creating different functions for different types.

But as soon as you apply a function belonging to a typeclass you constrain the argument to the typeclass making it a constrained polymorphic function. This is often necessary as certain functions are only applicable to a certain typeclass and then even more functions are applicable to specific data types; so the more specified you make the type, the greater access to functions you have.

Typeclass-constrained type variables

Certain functions are constrained to certain typeclasses, sub classes and types; analogous to a tree of compatibility. Functions from the stem can be applied to the branches but not the other way round.

e.g. Take the function:

divideLength = 6 / length [1, 2, 3]

This does not compile because / is of type fractional and is an infixr operator and so applies to the right but length is of type Integer which is not compatible. You would either have to use functions of the same type…

Or you can convert length to the parent typeclass Num by using the fromIntegral. And so when the / operator is applied to length it can constrain the Num typeclass to fractional.

Prelude> divideLength = 6 / fromIntegral ( length [1, 2, 3] )
Prelude> divideLength

Note: answer is in decimal form as it is of fractional

Type signatures for HOFs

Type signatures are a useful tool to read a function and determines its purpose, it specifies the application of the arguments regarding their respective types.

I found type signature fairly straight forward until I got to the following exercise:

Write the undefined function which will allow this type signature to compile?

munge :: (x -> y) -> (y -> (w, z)) -> x -> w

At first I got too bogged down with the amount of arrows and letters that were there. it seemed a bit mad. Then I tried to dissect it logically from the type signature (key word).

The output type needs to be of type w. So working back from w, I need the first element of the tuple (w, z) which I can use the function fst (a parametric polymorphic function), but that functions require the input y and the first argument does just that x->y and then x is needed to input into the function to get w! Therefore if you nest these you get:

munge :: (x -> y) -> (y -> (w, z)) -> x -> w -- How to approach this?
munge xy ywz x = fst (ywz (xy (x) ) )

Perhaps a bad explanation, but it’s hard to explain.

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