Is the use of repeated function application, so the self-calling nature of a function. Recursive functions requires a a termination step to avoid stack overflow. The usual layout of this is to make a recursive bottom and the termination steps higher up the code order.
Today I saw myself naturally implementing a TDD approach (very loosely because I’m not even implementing test suites into Haskell rn) to creating my recursion model.
The exercise was to write code which converted a number of any size into its a string with each individual digit spelled out.
The recursive section was the Digits
And at first I wrote it in steps, compiled it and ran manual tests.
Starting with converting a number with a size of 1 digit, then 2, then 3, until I started seeing a pattern emerge, and then I refactored with the recursion.
digits :: Int -> [Int]
digits n = [dig3, dig2, dig1]
dig1 = snd (divMod n 10)
dig2 = snd (divMod (fst (divMod n 10)) 10)
dig3 = snd (divMod (fst (divMod (fst (divMod n 10)) 10)) 10)
Which when fully refactored became:
digits :: Int -> [Int]
digits n
| (fst (dM) == 0) = [ snd (dM) ]
| otherwise = (++) [(snd (dM))] (digits (fst (dM)))
dM = divMod n 10
What I liked about this exercise is that it combined both recursion and HOFs :)
module WordNumber where
import Data.List (intersperse)
digitToWord :: Int -> String
digitToWord n =
case n of
0 -> "zero"
1 -> "one"
2 -> "two"
3 -> "three"
4 -> "four"
5 -> "five"
6 -> "six"
7 -> "seven"
8 -> "eight"
9 -> "nine"
digits :: Int -> [Int]
digits n
| (fst (dM) == 0) = [ snd (dM) ]
| otherwise = (++) [(snd (dM))] (digits (fst (dM)))
dM = divMod n 10
wordNumber :: Int -> String
wordNumber = concat . (intersperse " - ") . (map digitToWord) . reverse. digits