A break from the book
Today I’ve been completing some more autonomous and less guided exercises in Exercism. I find these exercises more challenging as it’s not focused around the last chapter I read, and forces me to apply everything that I’ve learnt and work out the best way.
An example is the Acronym challenge, which requires you to create a function that creates an acronym out of any String
The exorcism download has pre-built tests which really test all the edge cases, and made me develop the code further.
The 2 tests that made me have to develop my code were:
- HyperText Markup Language -> HTML
- Complementary metal-oxide semiconductor -> CMOS
Although I managed to satisfy all tests, my code doesn’t look as clean as it could be. I had to do some work-arounds to satisfy the ++
type restriction of [a] -> [a] -> [a]
by making the the head
of word
by making it a one character list.
import Data.Char
abbreviate :: String -> String
abbreviate word = go word [] ' '
where go word acronym lstChar
| length word == 0 = ""
| (isUpper lstChar) && (isUpper currentChar) == True = go restOfWord acronym currentChar
| ((lstChar == ' ') || (lstChar == '-')) == True = acronym ++ ([toUpper currentChar]) ++ (go restOfWord acronym currentChar)
| isUpper currentChar == True = acronym ++ ([head word]) ++ (go restOfWord acronym currentChar)
| otherwise = go restOfWord acronym currentChar
where currentChar = head word
restOfWord = tail word
Next post shall hopefully be about referential transparency. Because recursion to me seems to break this fundamental, so I am going to research into this and write a blog post about it tomorrow.