Okay, I did the list chapter from the Haskell book before Innodays, however I never did a blog post on it. And in this chapter there was some crucial information on the idiomatic ways Haskell deals with lists, so I am reviewing what I learnt and writing a post about it…
The cons (:) operator
One of these idiomatic Haskellism is the cons operator :
. Haskell has 2 ways of defining the List datatype:
data [] a = [] | a : [a]
The first is straightforward however the second is a recursive head
: tail
This syntax is syntactic sugar for pattern matching and recursions.
capitaliseAll :: String -> String
capitaliseAll [] = []
capitaliseAll (x:xs) = toUpper x : capitaliseAll xs
List Comprehension
List comprehension is a way of generating a list from a list.
On the left hand-side of the pipe |
you have the output function that applies to every element in the list.
And on the right hand-side you have the input list with the ->
signifying which parameter in the function it applies to.
mySqr :: [Integer]
mySqr = [ x ^ 2 | x <- [1..5] ]
myCube :: [Integer]
myCube = [ y ^ 3 | y <- [1..5] ]
Predicates are a way of limiting the list generation by adding expressions that evaluate to Boolean, the list will be generated while the expression is True
and evaluating from the outside in.
myTuple :: [(Integer, Integer)]
myTuple = [(x, y) | x <- mySqr , y <- myCube, x < 50, y < 50]