Auf Deutsch Bitte!
Heute werde ich mein Blogpost auf Deutsch tun, weil ich zweimal pro Woche am Dienstag und Donnerstag Deutsche Unterricht haben. Aber, dieses woche bin ich nicht gehen, deshalb ein besser Grund zu ein Deutsche post machen.
Wenn ich Deutsch schrieben, erkenne ich dass, ich besser Deustch schrieben kann weil, ich uber Deutche Grammartisch denken kann.
RSS einrichten
Okay, das war zu schwerig für die ganze Blogpost schreiben, also werde ich die nächste teil auf Englisch tun. Wenn ich alles nur auf deutsch schreiben müsste, könnte ich nicht sagen was ich genau möchte
Today I set up an RSS feed for my blog. RSS is a standardised code form (usually in a non-viewable .xml file in your site directory), which allows an RSS reader to keep track of that form and update the reader to when new content is created. People use to use it in the olden days
Slack has a RSS reader plug-in which allows you to direct the RSS reader to your .xml
file and post the new blog post whenever one is created.
So hopefully you read the blogpost via the RSS link
Today was a bit of a planning day. I planned both roughly what my next sprint will incorporate and my next business team rotation.
Servus JavaScript
The decision for my next sprint was to slowly incorporate JavaScript into my Sprint, starting with say 1⁄2 or 1 day a week. And then slowly increase the amount of JavaScript as the apprenticeship goes on.
The reason for this is to be relatively proficient at JavaScript by the end of the apprenticeship, as this is the language which is used in most teams and a language which if just inescapable. It also serves as a good universal language for developers, it’s a language we Kata together in, kinda like the English of the programming world.
I also have a long term goal of looking into PureScript and Elm though, keeping it functional, but… baby steps.
Was macht Marketing ?
Next week I am going to sit with an area of HolidayCheck which I don’t know much about… Marketing. I know what marketing is, and have a rough idea of what it does. But I guess I.T are in an I.T bubble and do not get everyday contact with marketing other than the odd “hello” in the kitchen.
So hopefully by the end of next week I shall have a good understanding of how marketing functions within the company.
I also did some Haskell Kata using CodeWars, which I highly recommend. I use to use Exercism, but they take a long time to check your code, and does not allow you to move on to the next exercise until your answer has been marked.