Day 81 - RSS :(, Haskell :)

November 23, 2018
Haskell RSS

RSS failed :(

So yesterday I made an RSS feed for my blog, but for some reason it does not work. I think the theme I am using is not explicitly made for RSS as some of the other apprentices struggled with this theme too. Therefore I have started setting up my new theme and will hopefully finish it on Monday.

Looking into a Haskell Service

Today a fellow HolidayCheck employee showed me a HolidayCheck service which was created in Haskell which was cool to see. It used a lot of the libraries I had heard about from MuniHac. Predominately; Servant, Aeson and Http-client.

Something I realised when going through the code and looking at mine, is that I am not testing properly. Part of the reason is that I am not writing in a TDD style. I started off doing it, but I guess I got disctracted with implement new bits of code, that I stopped writing tests. Back to TDD :).

It was also good to see Maybe and Either used in the correct way to error handle. In my ToDo task I saw the Maybe type as a nuance. Which made me think that even though I’ve done all this Haskell theory, I haven’t actually practiced it enough, or viewed other Haskell code, to comfortably write in a true Haskell manner.

So I dedicated a lot of the day to doing Kata (whilst writing tests!) and searching GitHub for Haskell code.

Etwas Deutsch

Heute bin ich aus England arbeiten, weil ich ein neue Nichte. Deshalb, diese wochenende werde ich ihr sehen. Sie ist sehr süß!

Day 107 - What do you call a typeclass from the 80's?

December 18, 2018
Haskell Functors

Day 102 - Katas but not yet Functors

December 14, 2018
Haskell Kata

Day 98 - ToDo List ft. Functor/Applicative

December 10, 2018
Haskell Testing
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